Running injuries: calf strain

It’s always marathon training season. Part one to the series of common running injuries begins with calf strains. 

Symptoms - Pain might occur at the medial head of the calf. During running, a sharp pain is felt and sometimes even a “popping” sensation. Maybe you even felt like someone kicked you in the back of the leg.. But really that didn’t happen. Swelling and pain will follow for the next 24 hours. 

How do they happen? Sports that involve high speed, increased frequency and load of running, tempo running or running to the point of exhaustion. 

Why does this happen? The gastroc/soleus has to deal with quick changes in muscle length and contraction. 

How long will it take to get better? The quicker the intervention for treatment, the better with calf strains. Depending on the grade of the strain will determine the average about of time to return to sport.

Grade I Strain - about 1-2 weeks

  • Sharp pain while running

  • Tightness

  • May continue activity without pain

  • Post activity tightness or achy

Grade II strain - about 3-4 weeks 

  • Sharp pain during running and unable to continue

  • Pain with walking

  • Swelling in muscle

Assessment and management of the entire lower extremity kinetic chain is important in treatment of calf strains. Depending on the grade and recovery time can impact the pain and function level. 

First 1-2 Days Post Injury

NOT RICE, instead PEACE and LOVE

Protect (minimize rest, pain free movement)


Avoid (NSAIDS and ice)


Educate  (combination of active and passive therapy)

After Initial 2 Days

L (load the tissue)

Optimism (positivity for healing can impact rehabilitation outcomes)

Vascularization (increase cardiovascular activity)

Exercise (increases mobility, strength and proprioception)


Falling From foot drop