Falling From foot drop

Most women in corporate settings cross their legs. Think about how often this occurs. Leg crossing happens when you are sitting in a board meeting, at your desk for 6-8 hours a day or delivering a talk on a panel (especially in a room filled with men). Little did we know that a condition called “drop foot” can occur.

Read Related: Information on Foot Drop

Common neurological, anatomical or muscular abnormality
  • What is drop foot? Inability to lift toes/forefoot off the ground due to weakness and compression to the peroneal nerve. This may seem like a subtle issue, however if your toes are unable to lift up, this may cause tripping or even falls.
  • There are several contributing factors that may cause this condition and sometimes it can originate from the spine and not the leg. Consulting with a healthcare provider such as a chiropractor, physical therapist and neurologist can help determine where the root source is. 
  • There is a nerve that branches off of the sciatic nerve in the back of the leg and wraps around the fibula and innervates the lower leg. Even sciatic nerve compression can cause this as well! When that is compressed, it can cause these symptoms. 
  • A chiropractor, physical therapist and neurologist can perform a neurologic exam to confirm suspected diagnosis. A NCV/EMG test and blood work done by a neurologist can also confirm entrapment and rule out other neurological and genetic conditions. 
  • Pain may occur over the lower leg but, not always. Stiffness of the ankle may occur as well as tenderness along the muscles of the lower leg.

Treatment Strategies:
  • NCV/EMG test to determine if the nerve impingement is originating from the spine or the leg
  • Splinting  - AFO (ankle-foot orthoses) can be used to keep the foot in dorsiflexion
  • Electro-acupuncture - increases blood flow to the nerve to nourish and expedite healing. Nerve stimulation helps retrain the nerves and muscles of the foot. 
  • Chiropractic care - active release technique to break up adhesions through the nerve passage starting from the lumbar spine at L4-L5, piriformis, hamstrings and anterior tibialis, nerve flossing to free up the space and increase conduction of the nerve from the spine to the leg
  • Physical therapy - a sophisticated rehabilitation and strengthening program is warranted to prevent atrophy of muscle as well as strengthen the muscles of the entire leg throughout the entire nerve innervation. Programs are specifically designed to the diagnosis. 
By: Dr. Jasmine Bhoola DC, LAc
Chiropractic physician, Licensed Acupuncturist

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